Saturday February 4, 2023
Those couple of beers last night really knocked me out. I slept til 7:30 feeling refreshed and ready for a good ride! I mentioned in yesterday's blog Brian and Bella (that were at the Trail Life Brewery here in Grand Junction) recommended the hot springs down in Ouray Colorado but I didn't speak of the chap who gave me turn by turn instructions for a great road ride. Geez I think his name was Luke? That doesn't sound right now...I actually met so many people at the Trail Life Brewhouse that it's hard to remember! While I'm on it - a shoutout to Sadie, Bonnie and a couple of other bar tenders there that really welcomed in an older New Yorker chilling at the bar. Thanks all y'all!
The ride he recommended goes through the Colorado National Monument Park. I thought there was an actual monument but it turns out the whole park is the monument...ha! If pictures tell a story than have a look at the ones below and let me tell ya...these pictures capture 10% of what the view actually looks like. I was in awe of Palo Duro Canyon back in Texas (Day 18), and this had the same effect multiplied by ten. The rock formations that were left standing after erosion just defy comprehension. The switchbacks that I climbed up in the first few miles were just grinders that left me only able to zero in on the few feet in front of me and breathing. Unfortunately it's hard to take in views around you when you are just laser focused on keeping the bike moving uphill lol. But to get a few hundred feet up, in such a short linear span, and look back down on the switchbacks and the height you just climbed leaves you completely stoked and speechless. So good.
With the major part of the climb behind me I pulled off into an over look area for a break and met up with Nick who had just ridden from his home below. A fellow knee injury recoverer that as both part of his rehab and part of just gaining some mental space climbs this route often in the morning and then has a coffee up top! Wow what a way to start the day! We ended up chatting for near a half hour! Anything from riding, to kids, to knee's, to Citiots (people that traverse from the city to the awesome vacation-like-town that you live in and bring their - how shall we put it -elite attitude with them lol). Honestly Nick I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation and look forward to connecting up if ever I make it back here, or by all means contact me if you come to NY!
Pushing on from there and stopping what seemed like every five minutes for a photo I eventually made it down and out. Some of the coolest parts of the road trip were passing into tunnels cut into the rock for portions and busting out the other side to another amazing view. Some of those views were seen from the edge of a road that literally dropped straight into a rocky red abyss. Hairpin turns that in the descent scared the feathers off me. I was afraid to look away for a second or else there might've been an airborne duckpondpete. Well I guess that is what ducks do, they fly, so that doesn't paint a scary enough pic does it? I'm more of one of those flightless birds though, like an Ostrich. Or Penguin. It is freakin cold up here so the Penguin would fit. I think I look pretty good in a tux too. But I just don't feel either of those birds fit me. I'm thinking I look more like an American Eagle. Mainly because of the white head and all. Well more gray but getting closer to white. Especially flying down those curves. Few more of those descents and I'd be the American Bald Eagle for sure. Hairs falling' out everywhere lol. But I still wouldn't be if I were a Bald Eagle that didn't fly all my friends would make fun of me for sure. Wait, they already do. Remember the nickname blog? Ha!
I could use a helmet go-pro for sure since it takes me time to fish the phone out of my pocket everytime I stop for a pic. So worth it looking back though...glad I took the time.
I kept praying for no flat also...geez I didn't want to have to mess with those tires again. Amazingly the entire roads were glass free the entire ride. Every one in the park meticulously maintained and you can tell people that visit respect the place too...just beautiful.
Bombing down the second half of the Rim Trail road I eventually headed toward a town called Fuita where Luke had told me to pick up the Riverfront trail for the ride back. I found it pretty easily and wow if only all states had paths like these! Instead of riding along a 70mph highway they created a beautifully concreted eight foot wide path that ran between the highway and the Colorado River. Spectacular way to head back to Downtown Grand Junction. No thinking about directions and no traffic to worry about so I was able to make great time the last eight or ten miles back to the hotel.
Quickly showering up because...I was dying for a local iced latte and to get out into downtown to check out some of the shops and the local owners. Remember I mentioned a few blogs ago that you wouldn't have to think about a town that you would want t live in? It wold just resonate with you? Well this one did. Just don't tell anyone. That's what all the locals say. It is a really well kept secret. Mention Colorado and no-one thinks Grand Junction! It's all Denver, Vail, Aspen etc. Everyone here wants just enough people to keep it alive and thriving, but without all the Citiots changing the cool chill outdoorsy vibe.
I grabbed a local brew at Kiln Coffee house right on Main Street just in was nearing four o'clock and they were closing up. Sun was warm down here at forty five hundred feet so after walking into some shops, I literally plopped my butt on a bench, had some coffee and soaked up the sun.
Needing to do some laundry and blogging I headed back to the Marriott for two hours before dinner. While I'm on it...the help at the front desk super friendly also. Everyone here has these genuine smiles that really resonate with me, including the front staff at the Fairfield Marriott. Lauren nice job thank you! Everyone in this town actually. Smiles everywhere. Genuine, outdoor loving, respectful, happy peoples. A worthy town to make a trip back too for sure...
Rumor has it one of Liberties own offspring may be attending Colorado Mesa University here soon too...sounds like a Liberty Rider (cycling group back home) road trip!! Go CMU!!
Finishing my laundry, a blog and repacking the bike into the jeep with all the gear killed two hours easily. I should show ya all the different bags I have for all the gear and stuff. Road cycling stuff for all temps, another bag with fuel for the rides, like gels and post ride nutrition. Other bags for jackets, containers for breakfast foods or lunch meals. A lot of stuff packed into this Wrangler for sure. Really awesome vehicle.
Then I headed back into town for another beer. Or two. Or OK tonight it turned into three. Only because after spending time at the Trail House brewery again first I then headed over to Rockslide Restaurant and Brewery across the street. Why not!?
I sat at the bar with me and my buddy Weiser, no make that an IPA and within minutes this gentleman sat down and we talked for an hour about my trip, this town, his jobs and his passion for astronomy. He is feeling really inspired to start a business that takes people outside of town, to area's of little light pollution, to experience whatever night show is on display that evening. Planets or nebulae or shooting stars - whatever happens to be presenting itself at the moment. Not with like Hubble Cat (see Day 14!) type technology...but a cool, down to earth small group telescope experience. After seeing some of the night skies here and getting to know his his personality after chatting with him I guarantee it would be a super success. Good luck Tyler and keep in touch!
After forty five miles, 2500' of climbing and three brews down, this duck headed home for the night.
Life is good.
So good.
While downhilling thru the canyons I noticed that looking out in front of me to far caused fear. To see a cliff off the side or a hairpin descent ahead my fingers gripped the handlebars tighter and I tensed up. Brining my attention to the road just in front of me, to where I had control brought peace back. In the moment.
Right here.
Seems to be a theme with me lately.
No one can control their life to far don't focus on that. Make a plan and then live in the moment. Don't get distracted by things off the side either. Life can pull you in so many directions if we don't maintain a little awareness. Insight for me for the day anyway.
Really? Just look at these pics!
So many everyday to list!
Feeling the warm embrace of a town. Feeling a warm embrace of it's people!
Riding all those miles without a flat...yeah now that's good too...
Definitely could see myself living here, but can I bring all the people I love with me?
Every Which Way but East
Well I was planning on Moab but I've had this tooth ache building for days now. I had root canal done just before I left and something's going on in there. Looks like a lot of dentists here in Grand Junction vs. Moab so I think I may have to detour from the plan and make sure I get this taken care of before I go camping in the dessert lol. Might chill here another day or go to one of the Hot Springs down in Ouray to relax some muscles a bit.
Tons of pic for the reading impaired:

Park Ranger at the entrance!

The view as I approached the climbs I'd be riding up...

Park entrance

Some first looks...

Pics aren't in order but the views don't need them to be....

I found another Ute! Now there are three Ute's!


Switchbacks on the way up

Just crazy elevation gains

Does OSHA know about this!!? Ha! crazy the ride down would be if you didn't stay on the road lol

This was a fast descent actually....hard to keep the eyes on the road with the view and all...

Crazy ...

Liberty Trail head!

Local Grand Junction art in town....

The Captain planning tomorrow's bike route. Hmmm reverse JB?

Downtown and the Kiln coffee shop

The riverfront trail back to the hotel

Literally downhilled here in what felt like good

Wow...if you haven't toured America to taste some of this.... do it.

This duck was worried about 'flying' off here lol
