Friday January 13, 2023
Slept til 7:30 inside the jeep in a parking lot somewhere in London Kentucky and wow did I sleep like a rock! Not sure how rocks sleep actually...but they look pretty "out cold" to me anyway! Kinda dead to the world right? They just lay there and don't move. Well that's how I slept. Barely moved at all. Well I couldn't really anyway if wanted too cuz I had about 23 inches of space to sleep between the two ladies. Not those ladies geez this is Bible country! But man if I could find a woman that would be there for me when I need her like these two bikes are woohoo! Always solid in my life when I need a friend lol.
"Salsa to the left of me...Parlee to the right here I am! Stuck in the middle with you!" Ha! Ok gettin' off track here. ..
Speaking of cold...there is snow all over my jeep! Grabbed the phone to organize my thoughts and check the weather. Snowflakes all over the forecast geez!! They're still forecasting a snow/rain mix and right around freezing temps. I googled a few of the parks around too and it seems they've closed a few roads in the area due to icing. Looks like another travel day!
So I searched out a mom-n-pop coffee place to chill a bit (grab more of a local flavor and maybe get some tips on where to go next) and do some work on the computer. I can work on the blog and I'm also studying to be a personal trainer - ya know the guy that stands next to you in the gym and tells you to lift things and crunch things and put things back down so that you leave the gym feeling totally spent? Like you spent all your energy and spent a bunch of money to do that? That guy. I'm not sure I'm big enough though. Most of those guys are all jacked n stuff. I'm in shape n all... but more of a string bean shape ya know? Not sure people will believe a green vegetable would know what he's talking about. Anyway lookin' forward to finishing this course (provided by NASM and it's pretty in depth) and adding this dimension to my retirement resume!
The coffee shop I found is called "Love is Real". Totally quaint, quiet, friendly and has wifi. Perfect.
Met the two ladies that own it and grabbed a hot Maple Pancake latte and stayed for nearly two hours between studying, writing the blog and chatting with them. I told them about my journey and they suggested a hike to the Van Hook Falls in the Daniel Boone National Park. Exactly what I needed ...a direction! Perfect day to hike...well not perfect. Perfect is more like a 70 degree day hiking in Hawaii somewhere with a Mai Tai waiting for you back at the Resort. Do they drink Mai Tai's in Hawaii? Not sure. Maybe that's a Japanese drink? Not a clue. Maybe I should stop here on that.
But a hike is definitely way better than riding on icy roads or trails for sure!
I found the trailhead and prepared for the hike like I was going to be off the grid in the woods and living off crickets for a week. Heck what do I know? I'm more of a cyclist. You know...fancy spandex shorts, a bakery stop for muffins n coffee somewhere and talking gossip with other riders while we take up a whole lane on the road. None of this walk into the woods where bears and things live and if you make a wrong turn you could be lost for days. Wait...why am I doing this again lol!? I think it should be called something other than Hiking too right?. More like playing with death in really nice expensive boots.
Totally great hike though for real...snowed the entire time and it opened up into an awesome stream with little water falls around. Great turnaround point and the trip back was easy enough too. I didn't run out of water or trail mix (Yes! I actually had trail mix...on a trail! Think that's what I'm supposed to do right?). So I didn't have to use the hunting knife I bought and search and destroy for any meals. Good thing cuz I woulda starved if I had too.
Bottom line...there were no animals harmed in the making of this blog.
Or crickets.
Decided to head closer to the Pigeon Forge area and The Great Smoky Mountain National park. So I headed south, stopped in Knoxville TN (which was an awesome city). It had a little nightlife happening and super friendly people (I love that southerly respect thing that's obviously taught down here...yes sir, no sir kind of good).
Decided it was too late for a campsite and hunkered down in the jeep again in Sevierville TN. So far a cool, quaint looking town that I'll check out tomorrow!
Some thoughts along the hike....water flows naturally, not using it's own "will" but following where nature takes it. Maybe it's also the path of least resistance? Sometimes in life we bump up against obstacles and wonder if we are supposed to 'conquer' them or perhaps it's a sign we are just heading in the wrong direction lol. Like the water could've tried to say..."no it's quicker if I just go straight here instead of way around that way!" If it had it's own we do geez. Sometimes an obstacle is meant to go around...sometimes it's life challenging us...
I also noticed the stream that was a slow trickle 50' back was crashing over rocks just a little further downstream. Also kinda like life...sometimes we're just chilling and everything's pretty casual and then the next day whoa! Feels like life is going at a hundred miles an hour and I have no control or idea where I'm headed! Nature is no different than us...or better yet...we're no different than it! We're part of it and the same (stuff) happens to us!
I also noticed little fears cropped up along the hike...a sketchy path, a rock formation that looked like it might be a great bear napping spot! Funny how the mind works...I think that's why the fear verse in the below pic resonated with me. Use your head but also trust when it starts running away with itself!
Just stunning nature all along the trails is today's outside medal winner. Whether it was water spilling over a rock or the snow falling across my path or even the quiet solitude of being alone in the woods. Something about being in nature that rejuvenates the soul.
I'll upload some pics....they tell the story better than words but yet still not as good as being there...
Today's upside winner is the title of the blog. So often we can look at what's happening around us and see "what's wrong' with it. I was totally thinking that I would be riding nearly everyday and exploring on this trip before I left - but Mother Nature definitely had other plans for me. These two bikes are sitting dormant in the comforts of the jeep just itching to go out like I am. But rather than focus on that though...I rolled with the hike suggestion and man - did that lemonade taste good!
Well, having made lemonade out of the weather/lemons it kind of took the sting out of this icy downside. Don't get me wrong, a bike lover loves to ride...but being directed to this hike really gave me a taste of something I wouldn't have touched if it were nice and turned that sour weather report into something memorable.

Passed a car with this verse on a bumper sticker... Kinda resonated with me, especially on the hike when it felt like bear country a couple of times!

Coffee shop bathroom!

Knoxville TN

Love is Real Coffee shop

Harbor Church South for my Christian peeps

No idea what that is : )

Maple Pancake Oat mill Latte!

Loved the hike pics Pete. Following your blog and very jealous. Looks like you are having a great time ! Didn't know you were such a philosopher though. Good stuff.
Be safe !!!
Cousin Bill F.